Moze mi ktos pomoc napisc cos poprawnie po angielsku. Kolega chce sie przeniesc na ten dzial co ja pracuje, a najlepiej ze wzgledow zdrowotnych. Pomagam mu to napisac ale nie wiem jak poprawnie. Napisalem mu cos takiego...
Please give your reason for aapplying this position:
I have healt problems; asthma which start when I was working Pastry Area, continually back and neck problems (I was two times see first AID and them appotiment with doctor and a few weeks unable work), third problem it's stress (I was a few weeks off in June).Now I wait for next appoitment with factory nurse.
Czy to jest wmiare poprawnie napisane ? Moze ktos to poprawic, jezeli jest zle ? Z gory dzieki za pomoc.
Najlepiej napisz to po polsku to postaram sie przetlumaczyc, bo nie do konca rozumiem co chcesz powiedziec.
Czyzby chodzilo o cos takiego?:

"I have been suffering from asthma which results in continuous back and neck pains ever since I started work at Pastry Area (to jakis dzial w fabryce czy nazwa budynku?). Twice I had to be given first aid and consult my GP who advised me to take my time off from work for a few weeks. I also suffer from stress that made me unable to perform my duties back in June this year. At the moment I am waiting for my next appointment with the factory nurse.(w zaleznosci od kontekstu to ostatnie zdanie moze brzmiec: ...I am waiting to hear back from the factory nurse.)"