[QUOTE]Oryginalnie wysłał M4RK0:
[qb] [QUOTE]Oryginalnie wysłał Grey Fox:
[qb]ok poszedl mail, czekam na odpowiedz...[/qb][/QUOTE]ok spoko, ja juz mam zwrot.... ty pewnie tez
iwo: [/qb][/QUOTE]hehe!!! Mam zwrota <jupi>
napisali tak w odpowiedzi na maila
The following sport event/game Harkleroad A. v Stevenson A. was cancelled. All single bets have been refunded and combo
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- Wrong team/player included into the betting line.
- Wrong venue
- Abandoned game
- Under article 11.4 from Gamebookers betting Terms and Conditions
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