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#1618009 - 25/09/2007 04:23 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: baksiu.jhs]
Andrzej5 Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 27/09/2005
Postów: 866
ma ktoś może którąś z tych książek:
David Sklansky - The Eight Mistakes In Poker
Online No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker For Beginners By August O Meara.pdf
Poker Book - Internet Texas Hold'Em Winning Strategies From An Internet Pro By Matthew Hilger.pdf

co do wartości pierwszej to nie mam wątpliwości ze względu na autora, ktoś może coś więcej powiedzieć o 2 pozostałych?

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Bonus: Unibet
#1618077 - 25/09/2007 04:54 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Andrzej5]
cromag Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 02/02/2004
Postów: 10971
Originally Posted By: Andrzej5
David Sklansky - The Eight Mistakes In Poker

Ta mam, to 5 stron w pdf, moge Ci podeslac albo poszukaj na emule.

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#1618356 - 25/09/2007 07:42 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: cromag]
rockeman Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 07/08/2005
Postów: 3612
ja mam te dwie pozostałe, to podaj mi na priv swojego maila to wysle

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#1620670 - 26/09/2007 15:29 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: rockeman]
Andrzej5 Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 27/09/2005
Postów: 866
a może masz (lub ktoś inny):
"Getting the Best of it" David Sklansky

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#1757577 - 08/11/2007 05:03 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Andrzej5]
Wychowany_Na_Nalewce Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 27/12/2003
Postów: 3297
Panowie, czy wam pdf Sklansky'ego - Theory of poker tez konczy sie na 173 stronie? \:\( Ma ktos moze full wersje?

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#1975022 - 20/01/2008 22:55 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Wychowany_Na_Nalewce]
cromag Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 02/02/2004
Postów: 10971
Moze ktos bedzie zainteresowany

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#1975179 - 20/01/2008 23:31 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: cromag]
Mr_Andrew Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 12/03/2006
Postów: 3082
Kolejny sposób na zdobycie książek o tematyce pokerowej:

Żeby otrzymać 5 książek całkiem gratis wystarczy (w zależności od wybranego roomu): zarejestrować się w roomie i złożyć minimalny depozyt (np Everest) lub zarejestrować się w roomie i zdobyć określoną liczbę punktów.
Poza książkami otrzymuje się oczywiście bonusy do wyrobienia.

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#1975522 - 21/01/2008 00:41 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Mr_Andrew]
dejw997 Offline

Meldunek: 13/02/2007
Postów: 154
Oto lista literatury pokerowej

Advanced Concepts Of Poker-Complete 352Pg Book.pdf
Allan Pease - Body Language.pdf
An Investigation Of An Adaptive Poker Player (Graham Kendall & Mark Willdig).pdf
Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies For Full-Scale Poker (D. Billings).pdf
Bluffing Beyond Poker (Johannes Horner, Nicolas Sahuguet).pdf
Caro's Book of Poker Tells (Mike Caro).pdf
Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold'em (T.J. Cloutier & Tom McEvoy).pdf
Collection Of Various Shorthanded Limit Hold'em Articles & Posts (Jason Pohl).pdf
Complete Hold'Em Odds Handbook.pdf
David Sklansky - The Eight Mistakes In Poker.pdf
Doyle Brunson's Super System 2 - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson).pdf
Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson).pdf
Doyle Brunson S. - Super System.pdf
ebook poker 43pgs bluffing betting and no limit strategy texas holdem.pdf
ebook poker 68pgs tournament strategy texas holdem.pdf
ebook poker bluffing betting and no limit strategy adavanced texas holdem vol 3.pdf
ebook poker how to win at texas holdem strategies advanced th volume 1.pdf
ebook poker odds and probabilities advanced texas holdem vol 2.pdf
ebook poker pro starting hand probability, win rates and strategy in texas holdem,18pgs.pdf
ebook poker the flop and turn & pot odds advanced texas hold'em strategy volume3.pdf
Effective Short Term Opponent Exploitation In Simplified Poker (B Hoehn, F. Southey & R.C. Holte).pdf
Finding Robust Texas Holdem Strategies (Jason Noble).pdf
Finding Robust Texas Holdem Strategies.pdf
First Step Poker (William T. Love).pdf
Full Tilt Poker - Tips from the Pros #01-#80.pdf
Game Theory And AI; A Unified Approach To Poker Games (Thesis) (Frans Oliehoek).pdf
Golden Rules of Poker.pdf
Graham Kendall - Adaptive Play Of Poker.pdf
Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 1; Strategic Play) (Dan Harrington).pdf
Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 2; The Endgame) (Dan Harrington).pdf
Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 3; The Workbook) (Dan Harrington).pdf
Herbert O. Yardley - The Education Of A Poker Player.pdf
Hold'em Odds Handbook.pdf
Hold em Poker For Advanced Players By Sklansky and Malmuth.pdf
Hold'em Poker For Advanced Players (David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth).pdf
[holdem][poker][strategy] complete hold'em odds handbook.pdf
howard lederer's secrets to holdem poker - pre-flop strategy.doc
Hutchinson Omaha Point System (Edward Hutchison).pdf
Insider Secrets To Playing Texas Hold'em Poker Online (Theo Cage).pdf
Internet Texas Hold'em Winning Strategies From An Internet Pro (Matthew Hilger).pdf
Jason Noble - Finding Robust Texas Hold'em.pdf
Jonathan Schaeffer - Learning To Play Strong Poker.pdf
Learning To Play Strong Poker (Jonathan Schaeffer).pdf
Mathematics And Poker (Brian Alspach).pdf
math of poker.pdf
Max Maven - Devil'S Poker.pdf
Mike Caro's Lectures (Mike Caro)
Multi Table Tournament Strategi.pdf
Multi Table Tournament Strategy.pdf
Neocheating, The Unbeatable Weapon For Poker, Blackjack, Bridge & Gin.pdf
Neural Network (Thesis) (David J. Cavuto).pdf
No Fold'em Texas Hold'em Chart.pdf
No Limit Hold 'em Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller).pdf
Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker For Beginners (August O' Meara).pdf
Online Poker Tells Researce From Victor Chandler Poker (Simon Prodger).pdf
Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Phil Gordon).pdf
Playing Texas Hold'em Online - The Professional's Guide (A.J. Mills).pdf
Play Poker Like the Pros (Phil Hellmuth).pdf
Poker; A Guaranteed Income for Life (Frank R. Wallace).pdf
Poker Bluffing Betting And No Limit Strategy Texas Holdem.pdf
Poker Brain.pdf
Poker For Dummies (Richard D. Harroch & Lou Krieger).pdf
Poker Math Made Easy (Roy Rounder).pdf
Poker Statistics And Appendix Advanced Texas Holdem Vol 6 50 Pgs.pdf
poker strategies revealed.doc
Poker Strategy - Introduction To No Limit Texas Hold'em.pdf
Poker Tactics 101.pdf
Roy Rounder - No Limit Hold'em Secrets.pdf
Roy Rounder - PokerMathMadeEasy.pdf
Roy Rounder - TournamentTactics.pdf
Sam Braids - The Intellligent Guide to Texas Hold em Poker.pdf
Secrets To Winning Cash Via Online Poker.pdf
Sevrin Robstad - Poker Strategy.doc
Short Handed And SNG (Jason Pohl).pdf
Single Table Tournament Strategi.pdf
Single Table Tournament Strategy.pdf
Sklansky On Poker Extra Outs (David Sklansky).pdf
Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth).pdf
Starting Hands Chart.pdf
Texas Hold'em Opening Hands And Drawing Odds (Matthew Hilger).pdf
Texas Hold'em Secrets (Rory Monahan a.k.a. Roy Rounder).pdf
The Definite Online Poker Strategy Book (Poker Rewards).pdf
The Education Of A Poker Player (Herbert Osborne Yardley).pdf
The Eight Mistakes In Poker (Sklansky).pdf
the idiots guide to poker ebook - start winning poker against the odds and professionals.pdf
the intellligent guide to texas hold em poker by sam braids.pdf
The Intellligent Guide To Texas Hold'em Poker (Sam Braids).pdf
The Mathematics Of Gambling (Edward O. Thorpe).pdf
The Online Poker Starting Guide (Frank Miller).pdf
The Poker Face; Using Game Theory to Maximize Results (Greg Dinkin).pdf
The Theory of Poker (Seventh printing, Complete) (David Sklansky).pdf
Tournament Tactics (Roy Rounder).pdf
Using Probabilistic Knowledge And Simulation To Play Poker (Darse Billings).pdf
Winning Consistently at Online Poker.pdf
Winning Low Limit Hold'em (Lee Jones).pdf
Winning Secrets Of Online Poker (Douglas W. Frye & Curtis D. Frye).pdf

Mike Caro's Lectures:

10th Lecture - When To Fold Strong Hands.pdf
11th Lecture - Pro Tricks For Extra Profit.pdf
12th Lecture - When Not To Raise.pdf
13th Lecture - Small Edges That Add Up.pdf
14th Lecture - Bewildering Your Opponents.pdf
15th Lecture - Extra Profit In The Blinds.pdf
16th Lecture - When To Stay And When To Quit.pdf
17th Lecture - Selected Poker Myths - Part 1.pdf
18th Lecture - Costly Mistakes Made By Experienced Players.pdf
19th Lecture - Raising For The Right Reasons.pdf
1st Lecture - How To Watch For Tells.pdf
20th Lecture - Little-Known Poker Tips That Bring Big Profit.pdf
21th Lecture - Treating Poker As A Business.pdf
22nd Lecture - Maximizing Profit Against Weak Opponents.pdf
23rd Lecture - Folding Your Poker Hands For Extra Profit.pdf
24th Lecture - The Bad Rule.pdf
25th Lecture - Maximizing Profit By Playing Your Position.pdf
26th Lecture - Profitable Things To Watch In A Poker Game.pdf
27th Lecture - Poker Leakage - Profit Lost.pdf
29th Lecture - Do You Know When To Shift Gears In Poker.pdf
2nd Lecture - Protecting Your Poker Bankroll And More.pdf
31st Lecture - Motivational Tips That Save Your Bankroll.pdf
32nd Lecture - Using 'Talking Tells' To Destroy Opponents.pdf
33rd Lecture - Luck Matters In Poker.pdf
34th Lecture - Bonus Strategies For Extra Profit At Poker.pdf
35th Lecture - In Poker, You Can Stay The Same And Suffer Or Adjust And Prosper.pdf
36th Lecture - Answering Poker's Most Common Questions.pdf
37th Lecture - Things To Practice Beyond A Basic Winning Strategy.pdf
38th Lecture - When Good Poker Advice Is Bad.pdf
3rd Lecture - Major Tips For October.pdf
40th Lecture - The Secrets To Reraising In Poker.pdf
41st Lecture - My Favorite Extra Advice to Add to Your Game Plan.pdf
42nd Lecture - What To Do When You're Losing.pdf
43rd Lecture - Favorite Advice From Our Earliest Sessions.pdf
4th Lecture - Handling Tricky Situations.pdf
5th Lecture - How To Advertise In A Poker Game.pdf
8th Lecture - How To Get Called By Weak Hands.pdf
9th Lecture - Finding The Best Image For You.pdf

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3

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#1975630 - 21/01/2008 00:59 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: dejw997]
kubusiek90 Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 11/11/2006
Postów: 833
Skąd: Stomil Olsztyn
Ma ktoś jakieś Polskie Książki ?

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#1975749 - 21/01/2008 01:18 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: kubusiek90]
Mr_Andrew Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 12/03/2006
Postów: 3082

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#2157682 - 13/03/2008 23:21 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Mr_Andrew]
gallardo18 Offline

Meldunek: 04/08/2004
Postów: 55
Skąd: Rzeszów
Witam, ma ktos moze namiary na nastepujace pozycje
How good is your Pot-Limit Omaha? (Reuben)
Secrets of Professional Pot Limit Omaha (Slotboom)
Farha on Omaha by Sam Farha
Omaha Poker (Ciaffone)
ewentualnie inne warte uwagi ksiazki do Omahi

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#2158713 - 14/03/2008 03:24 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: gallardo18]
rockeman Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 07/08/2005
Postów: 3612
miałby ktos może udostepnić:
The Poker Mindset : Essential Attitudes of Poker Success /Ian Taylor, Matthew Higler/ ??

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#2158937 - 14/03/2008 04:06 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: rockeman]
weed Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 28/08/2006
Postów: 3484
Skąd: gdansk
jakby ktos mial do odsprzedania ksiazki ace on river greensteina i/lub 2 czesc harringtona w wersji ksiazkowej to poprosze na priv

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#2318694 - 06/05/2008 19:05 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: weed]
Mr_Andrew Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 12/03/2006
Postów: 3082
Sprzedam niżej wymienione książki (wszystkie są nowe) oraz zestawy pokerowe (jeden 500 szt i jeden 300 szt).
Wkrótce wyjeżdżam, więc na ewentualne privy odpowiem w przyszłym tygodniu.

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#2361669 - 23/05/2008 06:04 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: Mr_Andrew]
seener Offline

Meldunek: 18/08/2003
Postów: 79
Na Shaolin Poker do wygrania Super System 2 Doyle'a Brunsona.

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#2521453 - 05/08/2008 08:53 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: seener]
lelu Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 13/11/2006
Postów: 3990
Skąd: ok. Lublina
ma ktos jakie kolwiek ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej w wersji PL ?

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#2521490 - 05/08/2008 15:12 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: lelu]
shaggyr Offline
!!Visca el Barça!!

Meldunek: 01/08/2006
Postów: 1423
Skąd: Wrocław
Originally Posted By: lelu
ma ktos jakie kolwiek ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej w wersji PL ?

Harrington on Holdem vol. 1 po polsku to zdecydowanie najlepsza pozycja na rynku (nomen omen w miarę świeża).

Jak chcesz bliższe informacje jak ją dostać to pisz na priva.


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#2863583 - 25/01/2009 03:49 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: shaggyr]
neoximek Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 15/12/2007
Postów: 723
Skąd: Warszawa / Wilanowska
gdzie kupię w Warszawie Harrington on Hold'em vol. 1- PO POLSKU ? a może ktoś z Wawy chciałby ją odsprzedać?

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#2866141 - 26/01/2009 00:42 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: neoximek]
mat2000 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 15/10/2005
Postów: 4824
Skąd: Tomaszów Lubelski/WWA
Originally Posted By: neoximek
gdzie kupię w Warszawie Harrington on Hold'em vol. 1- PO POLSKU ? a może ktoś z Wawy chciałby ją odsprzedać?

w hyattcie widzialem

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#3009248 - 26/03/2009 21:13 Re: ksiazki o tematyce pokerowej [Re: mat2000]
Dziabor Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 11/08/2005
Postów: 14266
Skąd: Civitas Kielcensis
sa jakies godne polecenia ksiazki w jezyku polskim?

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