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#670429 - 28/09/2006 14:59 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809
3cia proba
Tak ostro wyrazilem swoje zdanie na temat ich buka, piszac ze to sie nadaje do SBR, ze po 5 min byl zwrot, i nie 70 e...tylko 100e, chyba bonus za cierpliwosc:):) albo ze strachu ze straca te A+

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Bonus: Unibet
#670430 - 28/09/2006 15:00 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809
aha...udalo juz siekomus ta kase wyplacic na neteller lub MB..? czy znowu bedzie trzeba sie upominac...

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#670431 - 28/09/2006 15:59 Re: $100 FREEBet
BiZkiT Offline

Meldunek: 25/09/2002
Postów: 1867
Skąd: Kielce
To jest jedna wielka firma frajerow. Betcorp. W skald wchodza buki betwwts , playersoffshore i mniedzy innymi Wlasnie na tym ostatnim zalapalem sie na tego freebeta co zwracali za przegrany zaklad na NFL. No to najpierw nie powiedzieli mi ze sie nie zalape na bonusa od depozytu bo........jestem Polakiem. A potem po 3 dniach czekania na zwrot powiedzieli mi ze mam kilka kont u nich. No ale co sie okazalo ze zakladajac konto w betwwts to tak jakbym tez mial konto w no paranoja normalnie. Jedno wielkie gowno> zaraz do nich zagadam i ich zdrowo opierdole i opstrasze SBR i takie tam. Jesli komus by sie chcialo czytac to moge wkleic moja wczorajsza rozmowe z tymi frajerami.

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#670432 - 28/09/2006 17:56 Re: $100 FREEBet
gryzonko Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 12/06/2003
Postów: 3728
burdel burdel burdel - jeden koleś mi mówi żezwrotu nie odstane bo jest więcej kont na moje dane, gdy zaczynam sie kłóćić rozłącza sie bez pożegnania, po chwili łącze sie z innym kolesiem i ten mi dopisuje bonus....

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#670433 - 28/09/2006 18:20 Re: $100 FREEBet
Farciarz Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 05/05/2004
Postów: 3438
Skąd: Koszalin, Środkowopomorskie
Widzicie ile warte są te "rankingi".
Jeśli chodzi o buki nazwijmy je "obce" to zdecydowanie dla mnie dwa No1 to mansion i Pinnacle.
Na weryfikację ponarzekałem ale gra ( i wypłaca !) się tam rewelacyjnie !!! Pełny profesjonalizm !

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#670434 - 28/09/2006 18:35 Re: $100 FREEBet
BiZkiT Offline

Meldunek: 25/09/2002
Postów: 1867
Skąd: Kielce
A oto moja rozmowa z ta frajerska firma. Z gory przepraszam za moja angielszczyzne. Robie tak jak im obiecalem. Uwazajcie na wszystko co firmowane jest ta gowniana frima BETCORP. Sa to po prostu zlodzieje!!!!!!Koncowe fragmenty rozmowy nie nadawaly sie do publikacji

You have been connected to Tinar Rodgers.
Tinar Rodgers: Welcome to Live Chat Support, I am your Customer Service Representative, how may I assist you?
ja: Hello.
ja: I wonder when You will refund my account?
ja: after lost bet in night madnes
Tinar Rodgers: Thanks for contacting us
Tinar Rodgers: Are you able to hold while I research this information for you.
ja: yes
Tinar Rodgers: thanks for holding Lukasz
ja: no problem
Tinar Rodgers: Unfortunately you have more than one account with us
ja: no
ja: I have account in
ja: one account in
ja: and one account in playersoffshore
Tinar Rodgers: and as per our terms and conditions
Tinar Rodgers: Terms and conditions

Offer only valid for the first 1000 new signups each week (this week begins Tuesday afternoon at 5:00pm EST and closes Monday evening at 7:00pm EST). Offer not valid for existing members.
Once 1000 new signup threshold is reached, offer will be pulled for that week
ja: could You tell my why You are so amateurs that You use one database for every sportbook?
ja: yes
ja: but I not an existing player of
ja: and when I was registering someone o live chat told me that I can register and I will get this cashback
ja: and also same person told my that I won't get deposit bonus
Tinar Rodgers: those sites are under the betcrop group of companies.
ja: yes under amateurs betcorp
ja: one company couple of clones and one database?
ja: so stupid
ja: so why You have many clones
ja: and one database?
ja: and could You tell my from where I was suposed to know that these clones are from this betcorp?
ja: could You tell me?
Tinar Rodgers: Are you able to hold while I research this information for you.
Tinar Rodgers: Thanks for holding Lukasz
ja: .......
Tinar Rodgers: the sites al look the same and to the bottom of the page,is the betcrop logo on each site
ja: yes You have to check it?
ja: congrats
ja: and do You have somewhere on main page info about that I can have only account i one clone?
Tinar Rodgers: Lukasz, you can have different accounts from the sites,however for the NFL promotion it is only for new sign ups
ja: and I was a new signup on
ja: I made first signup on
Tinar Rodgers: with one account under the betcrop umbrella
ja: and could You find me an info
Tinar Rodgers: Terms and conditions

Offer only valid for the first 1000 new signups each week (this week begins Tuesday afternoon at 5:00pm EST and closes Monday evening at 7:00pm EST). Offer not valid for existing members.
Once 1000 new signup threshold is reached, offer will be pulled for that week
ja: that includes this that it was for new signups for betcorp users?
ja: I don't see there that it is said that for new signups in betcorp company
ja: please find this for me
Tinar Rodgers: you can go to
Tinar Rodgers: click on the promotions on the left of the screen, and the click on the promotions for the $100 NFL
Tinar Rodgers: and the terms and conditions will come up
ja: You must be kidding
ja: two days ago on there wasn't something like that
ja: nobody told me about this
ja: and it is funny when I want to register on that I have to go to and on this second site read terms
ja: idiots I will write everything to SBR ( sportsbookreview for information) and I wonder how is this possible that You have A grade on SBR
ja: You should have at max D-
Tinar Rodgers: Am sorry that you feel this way Lukasz
ja: But I'm ony sorry that You are thiefs
ja: and once somedoby tells me that I will get my refund
ja: but when I lost
ja: now nobody wants to give it back
Tinar Rodgers: the terms and the conditions are on the site when you are signing up
ja: I will write everthing about this thief betcorp on all betting forums
ja: yes they are now until today
ja: but on monday there was no such an info
Tinar Rodgers: the terms and conditions were there,from the first contest
ja: no
ja: on mondey there wasn't anything about betcorp
ja: but I bet that after couple of peoples like me contact with You
ja: than You change the terms
Tinar Rodgers: the terms and conditions were there all the time
ja: ble ble ble
ja: You know what
ja: go to hell with this 70 EUR that You stole from me
ja: I will make such a great advert in every forum
ja: and ofcours I will contact with SBR
Tinar Rodgers: I do apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you

I co sadzicie o polityce Betcorp?

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#670435 - 28/09/2006 20:03 Re: $100 FREEBet
czyzyk Offline

Meldunek: 24/06/2003
Postów: 581
BiZkiT, jeśli masz zachowaną transkrypcje czatu, gdzie po rozpatrzeniu Twojej sytuacji dostałeś odpowiedź że masz prawo do freebeta, to udrzaj z tym.

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#670436 - 28/09/2006 20:12 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809
Powiem wam jedno, jak ich postraszycie umiejetnie SBR to im zmieknie rura, ze mna nikt nie chcial nawet gadac i zcekalem jak frajer pol h na odp. W koncu powiedzialem ze naglosnie sprawe w SBR i ebda mieli klopoty, bo takich jak ja ejst wielu , to po 5 min odali kase. Jak widac tylko grozby na nich skutkuja! nawet 30e wiecej mi dali, chyba po to zeby mnie uciszyc i zebym nie doniosl do SBR, a jednak sie boje ze straca ta note <hahaha>

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#670437 - 28/09/2006 20:48 Re: $100 FREEBet
BiZkiT Offline

Meldunek: 25/09/2002
Postów: 1867
Skąd: Kielce
Loony a co dokladnie im napisales? BO jak widzisz ja rowniez pisalem im ze naglosnie wszystko w SBR ale widac bez takich efektow.

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#670438 - 28/09/2006 22:34 Re: $100 FREEBet
jazdagz Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 14/08/2002
Postów: 1045
u mnie juz zwrocili na mb i niech spadaja na drzewo. na koniec jednak wykazali sie kolejnym jak na nich profesjonalnym zagraniem, wczesniej dostalem z mb maila o platnosci niz od nich potwierdzenie ze wyplata jest juz w drodze..
..rany kto im dal te A+..mam wrazenie ze amerykance miluja sie wzajemnie i obdarowywuja swoich zawyzonymi ocenami


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#670439 - 28/09/2006 23:00 Re: $100 FREEBet
juru15 Offline

Meldunek: 23/09/2005
Postów: 529
ile trwała wypłata? Wysyłałeś skany?

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#670440 - 28/09/2006 23:13 Re: $100 FREEBet
jazdagz Offline
old hand

Meldunek: 14/08/2002
Postów: 1045
jak kazdy musialem, a czekanie to okolo doby od wyslania

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#670441 - 29/09/2006 00:51 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809

Loony a co dokladnie im napisales? BO jak widzisz ja rowniez pisalem im ze naglosnie wszystko w SBR ale widac bez takich efektow.

W sumie to napisałem podobnie jak ty, ale zalezy jeszcze z kim gadasz na tym czacie.
Niektorzy siedza tam niczego nie kumajac,
ale dowiedzialem sie ze od godz 15 bedzie supervisor, wtedy tez zagadalem goscia i napisalem co o tym mysle, pewnie nadzorowal go supervisor + moje pogrozki i nie mial wyjscia. Ten gosc to chyba Dian S o ile pamietam..
kasa przyszla, nie musialem wysylac skanow...wylogowalem sie od nich i juz wiecej nie zaloguje...

PS. tylko jesli krytyka to w kultularny sposob , zeby nas nie wzieli za jakichs prostakow :),

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#670442 - 29/09/2006 00:53 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809

ile trwała wypłata? Wysyłałeś skany?

po mojej ostrej rozmowie , nie dosc ze dali mi 30e wiecej , to na MB bez skanow kasa przyszla w niecale 2h... nie wiem moze gadalem z samym supervisorem...najpierw totalna kicha i brak reakcji a tu nagle dzialaja jak w zegarku..
Szkoda ze trzeba sie bylo uciekac do takich ostatecznych rozwiazan eh...

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#670443 - 29/09/2006 01:11 Re: $100 FREEBet
andrzejek_84 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 08/04/2004
Postów: 3942
Skąd: Olsztyn
mi tez przyslali na MB i sie nie musialem up[ominac, zlecilem wpylate wczoraj rano wiec nie jest tak zle

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#670444 - 29/09/2006 08:40 Re: $100 FREEBet
BiZkiT Offline

Meldunek: 25/09/2002
Postów: 1867
Skąd: Kielce
dobra dzis tez o 15 bedzie jakis supervisor. trzeba sobie dobra gadke naszykowac.

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#670445 - 29/09/2006 13:51 Re: $100 FREEBet
Ka-lolek Offline

Meldunek: 10/08/2006
Postów: 155
otrzymalem wyplate na mb od nich..
a czy ktos dostal ten bonus za poleconego?

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#670446 - 29/09/2006 14:22 Re: $100 FREEBet
BiZkiT Offline

Meldunek: 25/09/2002
Postów: 1867
Skąd: Kielce
Jednak jest jak sie dobrze pogada to frajerzy oddadza kasiore.
Najpierw dali 100 eur ale po 6 minutach ktos sie kapnal i zabrali 30 eur.
A tutaj dobra gadka ktora moze Wam pomoc. Z gory przepraszam za moj angielski;-)

 Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... 
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
You have been connected to Anthony H.
Lukasz : Hello.

Anthony H: Welcome to Live Chat Support, I am your Customer Service Representative, how may I assist you?

Lukasz: May I speek with Your supervisor?

Anthony H: in regards to what?

Currently experiencing network delays, one moment please....

Lukasz : because I didn't get a refund from Your last night week madnes

Anthony H: one moment please

Anthony H: thank you for holding\

Anthony H: you will not be receiving any refund for that bet

Lukasz: why?

Lukasz: because I have one account in

Lukasz : but please exlpain me one thing

Lukasz : when I registered

Lukasz : I contact with You via Live chat

Anthony H: as stated in the terms and conditions for the bet you are only allowed one (1) account under the betcorp seal and you have three

Lukasz : someone checked everything and told me ONLY that I won't get signup bonus because I'm from Poland

Lukasz : but when I asked if I can take part in this madnes the same person told me that the is no problem and I can take part in this madnes

Lukasz : so someone lied me

Lukasz : I will send everything to and I will do anythink to decrease Your grade from A+ to D-

Lukasz : I have even screens that when I was registering there was nothing like this now on night week madnes

Lukasz : You changed terms

Anthony H: the terms have not changed

Lukasz : but I have screens with old terms and there was no word about this that I can have only one account in betcorp company

Lukasz : maybe not changed but on it wasn't shown in terms of this madnes

Lukasz : And I have it all

Lukasz : so at the moment I will send every chatscript to SBR and I wonder how will they react

Anthony H: that is really up to you sir

Lukasz : and where is You supervisor?

Lukasz : your

Anthony H: one moment please

Lukasz : and one more thing. Why You make a refund to one player who has two accounts in betcorp?If you understand polish language please read it here

Lukasz :

Lukasz : and I know that I'm not alone, my friend also didn't get a refund.

Lukasz :If You don't make a refund for us , we will write about You on every forum that we know. Even on and SBR ofcourse

Lukasz : so why someone who has two accounts get a refund? Maybe because he scared You about SBR? That he will voice it?

Lukasz : and one more thing. I won't get money for refer a friend either??

Anthony H: thank you for holding

Anthony H: my supervisor has credited back to your money for the promotion and she apologize for any inconvenience caused in the delay

Lukasz : ok

Lukasz : great

Lukasz : bye

Wiecej sie u nich nie pojawie. Oczywiscie od razu zlecilem wyplate. I od razu ostrzegam wszystkich. Nie zapisujecie sie do firm typu , , i kij wie ile jeszcze tego badziewia maja.

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#670447 - 29/09/2006 16:53 Re: $100 FREEBet
Loony25 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 19/01/2005
Postów: 2809
hehe mowilem, niestety tylko tak z nimi mozna, i tylko supervisor pojdzie nam na reke bojac sie o reputacje...mi tez udalo sie pogadac z supervisorem i to samo dostalem odrazu, ale 30e nie cofneli, chyba dali jako bonus czy cholera wie co
credited back to your money for the promotion and she apologize for any inconvenience caused in the delay

ale bylo nie bylo zgubila nas ta nota A+...przyanzm ze to byl najwiekszy argument dla mnie...

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#670448 - 01/10/2006 13:25 Re: $100 FREEBet
gryzonko Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Meldunek: 12/06/2003
Postów: 3728
ale referala nikomu sie nie udało odzyskać?

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